Thursday, February 24, 2011

Places not to visit in the World...Anthrax Island

A brief history from  a post on the Google Earth Forum:
The base you have found is a former USSR Biological Weapons Research Facility..

The facility to the south of the airfield is the actual facility, which was named PNIL-52.. To the east of the airfiel is the housing for doctors, soldiers and families, known as Aralsk-7..

The facility was built in the 1950s as a secret location for testing microbiological warfare on animals.. It was finally abandoned in 1992, but still remains under close watch from both the american and russian military, because vast amounts of anthrax are buried here. Although the soviet doctors tried to kill the antrax spores before putting it in the huge steel canisters and sealing them, part of the spores are still deadly..

It is speculated that most of the people living in Aralsk-7 were actually women, because of numerous inscriptions and panels in the baracks, which bear the distinctions of women.. Also a large number of gynecological chairs and exam-rooms have been discovered inside the PNIL-52 facility, which has lead to speculations that the soviets were conducting experiments on unborn infants and pregnant women, although this has never been confirmed or otherwise proven. 

A large number of doors are welded shut and many of the exam-room doors were only able to be opened from the outside. The welded doors have not been opened because of the fear of some remaining biological spores, which could contaminate the area.

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