Saturday, January 10, 2009

Through the worst of the crisis?

Well, it's 2009 and I still have a job.

There was a horrible moment not so long ago, where the only sane thing to do was to sit down and mind-map my own personal worst case scenario.

Which went something like this:
- Lose my job at HP
- Along with the job, lose my visa to work in the USA
- Have to sell our beautiful house at a big loss
- Have to search for a job somewhere else in the world in a global recession
- Spend all our savings moving a family of four around the world
- Move back to NZ or move back to Germany
- In short....start again.

Actually, I've done that several time before in Germany and the USA, so it shouldn't be too bad. Problem is, we really like what we are experiencing right now. Kids are growing up fast and don't keep us up at night, job is OK, house is a delight, Michigan is beautiful whatever season you are in...

But now that Bush did the only thing I ever think was actual a well informed decision in his 8 years of being president by bailing out the Detroit automakers (on which my job depends), at least the mortgage payment seems a bit more safe now. We've had a beautiful snowy winter, and my oldest son is finally potty trained! Life is looking up.

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